- Homepage links
- Max 8 outbound links per website
- Websites with unbelievably strong backlink profiles. High RD + Authority Links.
- Private: We share these websites with nobody. 
- Websites rebuilt as they previously were. These look like they serve authentic purposes other than just selling links.
- Clean website history, no previous misuse or penalties.
- Nowhere do these websites advertise guest post opportunities for sale.


Get less links that pack more power. Rank in highly competitive niche's with less backlinks needed, keeping your backlink profile smaller and cleaner.

Example backlink profiles:

We spend thousands of dollars acquiring these strong domains. All in different niche's. Preview some of the backlink profiles:

Example website 1:
View backlink profile

Example website 2:
View backlink profile

Who these are for:

- People in competitive industries
- SEO's who want to impress clients with great results in a short time span
- People who want to avoid flooding their websites with mass referring domains that the masses are buying backlinks on, risking a penalty.


These links are in high demand.
Currently the maximum number of websites you can get placements on for a single URL is 25 websites.
This is because we protect our clients by not allowing repeat placements with another person's website more than 2 times.

5 Websites: $79/m
10 Websites: $139/m
15 Websites: $179/m
20 Websites: $209/m
25 Websites: $249/m

Why are these charged monthly?

1. Each website is on its own private droplet server with a unique i.p. These cost $$ every month.
2. We need to recoup the thousands we spend on these highly valuable domains.
3. We don't sell guest posts on these sites. It's the 8 slots and that's it. That's why you're getting more power from the sites, but that's why we need to charge monthly to keep them running.
4. We acquire more backlinks and publish new content for each of these websites with time. We don't want these websites appearing as "dead".

This means you're locking in to properties which are providing more and more ranking juice as time passes.
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